Onsite and Complete
IVFMD proudly offers onsite andrology and embryology laboratories under the direction of Senior Embryologist, Inea Collazo. We provide the latest clinically proven advancements in fertility testing and treatment, including:
Andrology Laboratory
- Complete Semen Analysis
- Semen Culture
- Sperm Antibody Testing
- Sperm Cryopreservation and Short-Term Storage
- Sperm Processing for Intrauterine Insemination
- Artificial Insemination by Sperm Donor
Sperm Function Testing
- Sperm Decondensation Assay
- Sperm Survival Testing
Sperm Processing for Assisted Reproductive Technologies
- Testicular and Epididymal Sperm Extraction and Processing for ICSI
- Sperm Processing for IVF
Embryology Laboratory
- In Vitro Fertilization – Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET)
- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Sequential In Vitro Embryo Culture:
- Day 3 Embryo Culture and Transfer
- Day 5 (Blastocyst Stage) Embryo Culture and Transfer
- Selective Assisted Hatching
- Embryo Cryopreservation and Short-Term Storage
- Frozen/Thawed Embryo Transfer
On March 20, 2008, our laboratories were dedicated in honor of our previous senior embryologist, Esther A. Riley. The Esther Riley Laboratories for Assisted Reproductive Technologies are accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and operate under the guidelines of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART).
A complete semen analysis is often the starting point in male fertility testing. It measures certain parameters such as semen volume, the number of sperm, and the progressive motility of sperm. Most importantly, the semen analysis gives the physician a detailed look at the morphology, or shape/appearance of the sperm. Theoretically, the more normal sperm observed, the better the odds for the sperm to fertilize the egg (ova). Some abnormalities in morphology include double heads, double tails, bent or broken necks, tiny heads, amorphous (“blob”) heads, neck and tail deformities, and immature sperm cells.
Sperm may look normal on the outside, but their DNA must properly combine with the DNA of an egg for pregnancy to occur and to continue. If the sperm DNA shows a high degree of breakage (“fragmentation”) or if the DNA can’t properly function in one of its critical processes (“decondensation”), then the odds of getting and staying pregnant may be decreased. These tests are not typically offered at other fertility centers, and, if the results are not normal, the chance of delivering a baby via intercourse, IUI, or even standard IVF may be low. Our patients can have these tests performed while under our care, and abnormalities can then be either treated or overcome with great success.
For more information, please fill out our online contact form or call us toll free at 1 (866) 483-6366.
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