9 Things You Didnt Realize Youre Doing That Can Make You More Fertile

Posted on March 8, 2019 by Inception Fertility

By Carolyn Steber

If you've ever wondered if certain lifestyle choices can impact fertility, theanswer is a resounding yes. It may not be the only factor involved, but "whenit comes to lifestyle and boosting your fertility, there are both things to do andthings not to do, Marta Montenegro, a Florida-based fertility lifestyles specialist at IVFMD, tells Bustle. There are, for example, at least five areas to consider when it comes to lifestyle," including what you eat, how youhandle stress, and how much you exercise.

"There are good things you can do for your reproductive system and thehormones that make it work properly, and also bad things," Montenegro says."And we are learning more and more about what these are with each newstudy. Its important to note that many of these factors not only affect yourfertility, but will have repercussions for your pregnancy as well."

In other words, these habits, as well as those of your partner, can play an evenbigger role than you think. "A healthy pregnancy begins with healthyparents," Dr. Rink Murray, reproductive endocrinologist specialist, OB/GYNand co-founder of Tennessee Reproductive Medicine, tells Bustle. "Prioritizinghealth can help maximize the chances of getting pregnant and of having a healthy pregnancy." Here are a few lifestyle habits that can make you morefertile, according to experts.

1. Getting Enough Omega-3

Getting enough omega-3 fatty acid through your diet is good for yourreproductive system. "So if youve been eating non-animal sources ofprotein like walnuts, lentils, beans, chickpeas, sesame, flax, and pumpkin seeds, as well as grains quinoa and farro, you are already on the right trackto maintaining your fertility," Montenegro says.

2. Eating A Nutritious Diet

Your iron levels also play an important role in fertility. If you have beeneating iron-rich foods like spinach and lentils, Montenegro says you are alsobeing good to your reproductive system.But that's not the only nutrient you'll want to think about. Eating a healthydiet overall is important, too, as it ensures you get other vital nutrients, likefolic acid and vitamin B12, which studies have shown have positive effectson fertility.

3. Avoiding Excess Caffeine

While the occasional cup of coffee tends to be fine, drinking too muchcaffeine can be detrimental, when it comes to fertility. "Its important toremember that this includes caffeine from any number of [...] sources, suchas soft drinks, tea, and chocolate," Montenegro says. Caffeine can do anumber on your reproductive system, which is why limiting your intakemay be key.

4. Getting Plenty Of Sleep

Getting enough sleep can improve your overall health, while alsopotentially making you more fertile. "Good sleep is more important tofertility than many know," Montenegro says. "This is not just about quantityof sleep, but also about quality."

If you have a solid sleep schedule, and wake feeling refreshed, that's a goodsign. "Women who are fully rested are allowing for their reproductivehormones to function properly in keeping with the biological rhythms of thebodys natural 24-hour cycle," Montenegro says. "Disrupt your sleep, and you disrupt this delicate hormonal balance and rhythm with negative resultsfor your fertility."

5. Doing Lighter Workouts

"If youve been doing a little exercise and physical activity, thats good forfertility, too," Montenegro says. "But you dont want to overdo it. Those whohave been doing low to moderate exercise have the right habits for boostedfertility. If you do too much exercise, too intensely, and too frequently youstart to do more harm than good to your fertility."While short bursts of activity may boost your fertility, for some people, doingmore intense exercises can make it difficult to conceive.

6. Using Natural Cleaning Products

"Endocrine disruptors are substances that mimic hormones and alter thenormal physiology of our hormones," double board-certified physician Dr.Rocio Salas-Whalen, MD, tells Bustle. "We see decline in fertility when thereare endocrine disruptors present. Endocrine disruptors are found inplastics, pesticides, cleaning products, and in some processed food." So ifyou're using these things regularly, it may negatively impact your fertility.

Instead, it can help to eat and drink out of glassware, use natural cleaningproducts, buy organic foods whenever possible, and choose grass-fed dairyproducts, Dr. Salas-Whalen says. "It may sound banal but endocrinedisruptors are real and truly affect the way our hormones work, specificallyinfertility."

7. Finding Ways To Relieve Stress

While stress can't always be avoided, if you regularly find ways to deal withit in a healthy way, it may have a positive effect on your fertility. "If youvebeen doing yoga or mindfulness exercises you are doing a big favor to yourfertility," Montenegro says. "Thats because chronic exposure to cortisol, thestress hormone, down-regulates ovulation."

8. Avoiding Smoking

"Women who smoke or [having smoking partners] have lower monthlypregnancy rates," Dr. Murray says. Which is why so many reproductivespecialists advise women to either quit smoking, or avoid secondhandsmoke.

"For women, smoking is known to have a negative impact on estrogen levelsand can impair ovulation," Dr. Murray says. "There has been a link foundthat chemicals in cigarette smoke can speed up the loss rate of eggs."

9. Getting Enough Vitamin D

"Vitamin D is needed to help the body create sex hormones, which in turnaffects ovulation and hormonal balance," natural fertility specialist HethirRodriguez, tells Bustle. And this vitamin can be important during pregnancy,too.

"Vitamin D also supports healthy bone development in the fetus duringpregnancy," Rodriguez says. "This is [a vitamin] many people are takingregularly that is healthy and necessary during pregnancy as well."Of course, fertility is a complex thing, and it's not always easy to predictwhat will have a positive or negative effect on it. If you're struggling to getpregnant, it might be necessary to speak with an expert, to help uncoverother underlying issues. Lifestyle can play a big role in keeping you healthy,but it definitely isn't the only thing to consider.

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