7 Interesting Things That May Increase Someone's Chances Of Getting Pregnant, According To Research
By Kristine Fellizar
Getting pregnant doesn't come easily for everyone. But, according to research,there are some things that may increase someone's chances of conceiving, andyou may not be aware of them.
There are a few general things women can do to increase ones chances at getting pregnant, Connie Alford, M.D., a Naples-based fertility specialistat Floridas IVFMD, tells Bustle. For instance, maintaining a healthy lifestyle,eating right, limiting caffeine, taking prenatal vitamins with DHA, and havingsex frequently around the time of ovulation can really help. Sperm can livefor a few days in the female reproductive tract, so having intercourse earlyand often can definitely improve your chances, Dr. Alford says. Nowadays,there are so many different apps out there that you can use to help track yourcycle so you can maximize your chances, if you are looking to get pregnant.
Although some fertility experts may suggest certain sex positions orlubricants to help up your chances, Dr. Daniel Kort with Neway Fertility tellsBustle, "these haven't been associated with increased pregnancy rates."
But there are some surprising research-based things that are linked to anincrease in pregnancy. So here are some weird, interesting, and lesser-knownthings that can increase someone's chances of getting pregnant, according toresearch.
1. Eating Seafood
A 2018 study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that people who consumed at least two servings of fish perweek were 22 percent more likely to have sex. Furthermore, those whocontinued to each fish regularly for a year had a 92 percent chance of gettingpregnant in that first year. According to researchers, the high levels of omega3 fatty acids found in seafood helps to reduce inflammation and increaseblood flow, both of which are good for increasing your chances of gettingpregnant.
2. Walking Leisurely
If youre looking to get pregnant, living a healthy lifestyle can definitely help.But if youre not one to hit the gym regularly, a 2018 study published in thejournal Human Reproduction found that walking can be helpful. For somewomen in the study, walking leisurely or even just strolling for 10 minutes was found to improve their chances of getting pregnant. In general,those who exercised for more than four hours a week had significantly higherchances of getting pregnant than those who barely exercised at all.
3. Sleeping In Complete Darkness
A 2014 study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility foundthat darkness is important for "optimum" reproductive health in women. According to researchers, melatonin is pretty important for a woman'sfertility because it has antioxidant properties used to protect the eggs. So asMark P. Trolice, M.D., founder and director of Fertility CARE: The IVF Center,tells Bustle, "Sleeping in total darkness for eight hours can increase thebodys natural melatonin." Not only will you get a good night's rest, but itwill ensure that your body's cycle is functioning as it should.
4. Saying Goodbye To Lube
If you're looking to up your chances of getting pregnant, Dr. Trolice says,"Throw away the [spermicidal lube] because it's [...] toxic to sperm." In fact, a 2014 study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that manypersonal lubricants out there have been found to reduce the motility ofsperm. While there are some lubricants out there specifically made towardshelping fertility, researchers from this study suggest staying away fromsilicon and water-based lubes if you're trying to conceive.
5. Consuming Royal Jelly
"Believe it or not, there are a lot of weird ways to increase your chances ofbecoming pregnant," Hethir Rodriguez, founder and presidentof NaturalFertilityInfo.com, tells Bustle. "One I highly recommend is eatingroyal jelly." Royal jelly is the main food source for bee larva in their firstthree days of development. It typically contains water, proteins, sugar, fats,vitamins, and amino acids. It's called "royal jelly" because it's what queenbees typically eat. "Research finds royal jelly is nutrient rich, revitalizes theadrenal glands, and acts as a gentle phytoestrogen giving fertility a naturalboost," Rodriguez says.
6. Eating Seasonally
In general, eating healthy is a great way to increase your chances of gettingpregnant. In fact, studies have found positive links between consuming folicacid, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids, and fertility. As Dr. Aaron K.Styer, MD of CCRM, tells Bustle, conscious eating is important if you'relooking to conceive. One way to practice this is to choose seasonal foods. "Bychoosing seasonal foods, you can help your body deal with the demands ofthe season and keep your body in an all-systems-go posture when you aretrying to conceive," he says. For instance, during winter in New England, thebody must deal with the elements of cold and dryness. Eating warm mealsand drinking hot beverages, greatly reduces the demands placed on thebody to maintain its interior warmth and moisture. "Choosing recipes forcasseroles, soups, congees (think Chinese oatmeal) combine the warmth andmoisture needed to combat demands of the cold winter months," he says.
7. Thinking Positively
It may be a challenge, and positive thinking may not guarantee a pregnancy,but it doesn't hurt. Studies like one from the University of California, LosAngeles have found that practicing mindfulness can have a positive effect onyour health. When you're more aware and living in the now, it can help tomanage stress and anxiety. According to Dr. Styer, this is pretty important if
you're trying to conceive. Each day you have another chance to hit the resetbutton. "Every day has 1440 minutes of opportunity to either keep on yourcurrent path or try something new," he says. "Most women I see are sofocused on what isnt working, they forget to note what's going well. Havinga positive perception can make a huge difference during this time of yourlife." Focusing on fertility instead of infertility may make all thedifference between seeing options or roadblocks.
Unfortunately, conceiving doesn't have a magic formula, and certainrecommendations will not work for everyone. But overall, living a healthylifestyle is your best bet these are just a few unusual and lesser knownthings that might also help.